Museus De Sitges Museum
Two of the museums in Sitges, The Cau Ferrat and The Museu Maricel, are currently closed for remodelling.
The Maricel
Houses Dr. Pérez-Rosales’ collection with Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque works. Also on exhibit are Catalan Modernista and Noucentista sculptures, along with mural paintings by Josep Maria Sert. On the second floor you’ll find the Modern Art Gallery (Rusiñol, Casas, Utrillo, Pruna, etc) and the Emerencià Roig maritime collection.
- Houses Pérez Rosales Collection
- Opened 1970
- 3 thousand+ items
- Mural paintings (12 Cent Pantocrator of Santa Maria de Cap d’Aran) Gothic paintings on wood (The altarpiece of Sant Pere de Cubells)
- Carvings and Renaissance altarpieces
- Modernist sculptures
- Josep Llimona (Grief)
- Enric Clarasó (Head of child crying)
- Joan Rebull (Rest, the Aurora or Gypsy)
- Josep Clarà, Josep Cañas and Pablo Gargallo (The Reaper)
- 6 fabric panels by Josep M. Sert, representing the First World War.
- Numerous paintings, furniture, gold jewellery, ceramics and porcelain
- Art Collection of Sitgeans & associates (2nd floor rooms)
Catalan painting & works by:
- Joaquim Espalter (born in Sitges in 1809)
- Pere Pruna (here during 1940s and 1950s)
- Felip Maso (including the emblematic Procession of St. Bartholomew), Joaquim Miro (The collection of Malvasia)
- Arcadi Mas i Fondevila (The procession of the Corpus in Sitges)
- Ramon Casas (Portrait of Charles Deering :took his art from Sitges)
- Guillem Bergnes (Rocks at San Sebastian)
- Ramon Casas (Portrait of Charles Deering)
- Pere Pruna. The Collection of fish
- Joan Antoni Roig i Soler and Almirall
- Artur Carbonell (Girl in black)
- ‘La Escuela Luminista’ of Sitges
- Josep M. Casades Llopis
- Josep i Batlle Amel
Santiago Rusiñol
- Salvador Robert
- Pere Lluís Forment
- Magrans
- Joaquim Sunyer
- Agustí Pino Ferrer
- Josep Vidal
- Alfred Sisquella
Art Collection owned by Emerencia i Raventos Roig
(Fisherman, marine expert & author – Sitges, 1881 – Barcelona 1935)
- Models and miniatures of ships
- Maps, drawings and engravings
- Nautical instruments (sextants, compasses, etc…)
- Fishing tackle (handles, hooks, needles for repairing nets, etc…)
formerly used by fishermen along the Catalan coast
- La Fundacio Stampfli Sitges Museum Museu
- Romantic Sitges Museum Museu
- Palau Maricel Sitges Museum Museu
- L’edifici Miramar Sitges Museum Museu
- Maricel Sitges Museum Museu
- Cau Ferrat Sitges Museum Museu
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